

The Canby Theatre is proud to announce that The White Sidewalls will be performing at The Canby Theatre on Saturday October 17, 2015. The White Sidewalls have performed at The Canby Theatre several times, the last time in the early 1990’s. Saturday, Oct. 17,...
Opening Weekend was a Success!

Opening Weekend was a Success!

Check out the timelapse video from opening weekend on our Facebook page. Opening weekend saw a total of 621 tickets sold for Furious 7 and a whole lot of popcorn. Thanks to everyone who came out, it was great to see the place so full again. A special thanks to...
We’re Opening This Week!

We’re Opening This Week!

Things are coming together and we’ve got the show times set for opening week! Join us this weekend for one of our many first showings.  Theatre 1 will present Furious 7 and Theatre 2 is yet to be announced. Showtimes are as follows: Thu, Apr 2nd: 7:00 and 9:45...
Still Raising Money to Meet Our Goal

Still Raising Money to Meet Our Goal

The theater project is still about $40,000 from our fund raising goal.  If you are considering making a donation we have an easy online form set up just for that purpose.  Check it out at Give...